Kaipara Moana Negotiations
There are areas within the Kaipara Moana Negotiations space that are subject to negotiations, Ministerial and Cabinet approval.
There is a Crown contribution to the establishment of the Kaipara Moana Body. The Crown has committed to seek Cabinet approval for financial support for the establishment and running costs of the proposed Body.
The Establishment of the Kaipara Moana Body
To provide a governance setting for the KMR program.
To establish a secretariat function for the administration associated with governance and the management of relationships between KMB Kaipara uri entities, councils and Crown agencies.
The Representative Seats on the Kaipara Moana Body
The model under consideration is 12 members allocated:
- 6 Local Government
- 4 Kaipara Uri
- 2 Catchment Representatives (one Northern catchments and one for the Hōteo catchment)
Kaipara uri retains Chair and Local Government retains Deputy Chair.
Under Negotiation with the Crown – Dec 2022 Ministerial/Cabinet Sign-off
- The provisions for Catchment Group Interests on Kaipara Moana Body
- The provisions for Catchment Reference Groups – Overlapping interests at the Catchment locations