Reo – Māori Language

Reo Language Revitalisation Strategy

This Reo Language Revitalisation Strategy is part of a series of strategies collectively called “Ngāti Whātua Heru Hapai”. Our strategy is designed to commence a process aimed to rediscover, recover and protect te reo as a spoken language. Special emphasis will be given to quality, correctness and promotion of the distinct languages of Ngāti Whātua – te reo o Ngāti Whātua-ake. A key to the success of this strategy will be the promotion and the use of te reo within the home of Ngāti Whātau whanau.

Ngā Manu Kōrero o Te Taitokerau 2022

On 8 June 2022 Dargaville High School was selected to be the host of the Te Taitokerau Manu Kōrero.

Secondary schools from throughout Te Taitokerau have assembled for the first time since 2019. Ngā Manu Kōrero was canceled in 2020 due to Covid and relocated to an online forum in 2021.

Hēna koa! Pikohia nei koe tō mātenga kia kite ai au tāu e kite ai!

Excuse me!! Can you please bow your head so that I can see what you see!

Topic submitted by Dame Rangimare Naida Glavish for the Tā Himi Henare Bilingual section


Kahurangi Naida reminisces of the time when she and Ramaroa Tito were driving to a hui and he had said randomly “Hēna koa! Pikohia nei koe tō mātenga kia kite ai au tāu e kite ai!” This topic was chosen as a way to capture what the rangatahi views were on this subject.


Te Hiku Media was there to capture the pōwhiri and kōrero from the event.